JustAxe stirs up a sense of nostalgia, taking me back to the days of Adobe Flash games on platforms like Newgrounds and Kongregate. It’s a straightforward platformer that carries the same fluidity and controls typical of those classic Flash games. However, for players unfamiliar with this style, the sluggishness and quirky game physics might be off-putting. For a console game releasing in 2024, that’s not exactly impressive.
In JustAxe, you guide a character named Martha, who’s relentlessly pursued by enemies with aggressive behaviors. These foes are so determined to catch her that they’ll even fall into traps or crevices just to close in on her. When they do manage to attack, the resulting push can send Martha flying a considerable distance, defying realistic physics. This quirk is a hallmark of the Flash-game era.
Playing as Martha, you’ll find yourself moving, jumping, and swinging an axe, but there’s something slightly off about the controls—they just don’t quite hit the mark for seamless gameplay. Take, for instance, a level where you’re supposed to plunge into a spiky abyss. Rather than facing an instant game-over, Martha just bounces along, sustaining damage at each hit. These little issues contribute to a feeling that the game might not be fully polished.
Thankfully, JustAxe is relatively short. You can wrap it up in about three hours, perfect for a laid-back afternoon. The storyline is pretty minimal, which is expected from this type of game. It’s a convenient distraction if you find yourself stuck on a tedious train or bus ride, or even enduring a family dinner you’d rather not be at. The game offers a way to escape the real world for a bit, even if just to overcome its mildly frustrating levels and enemies.
This review is based on a retail copy of the game, which was provided by the publisher.