Since Christmas Eve, Ayaneo has been steadily unveiling details about its forthcoming Ayaneo 3 handheld device. The biggest highlight so far? The device’s swappable control modules, promising a level of customization in handheld gaming we’ve rarely seen before. Although the Victrix Pro BFG controller has championed a similar customizable approach in standard controllers, integrating this feature into handhelds—especially with the addition of robust hall-effect sensors for analog sticks and triggers—is a delightful innovation.
Accompanying tweets and Discord posts from Ayaneo, there’s now a video showcasing different perspectives of the Ayaneo 3 and its interchangeable control modules. Back in November, we already knew it would offer configurations powered by either the Ryzen AI 9 HX 370 or the Ryzen 7 8840U. Despite that, specifics like pricing and additional technological details remain elusive. However, we can expect clarity by January when the official launch event is slated for “Late January 2025.”
Imagine swapping not just the control modules but even inverting them or switching individual buttons entirely. The flexible design makes the Ayaneo 3 versatile for nearly any game genre that requires a controller. For instance, if you’re into six-button fighting games like Street Fighter or classic Sega console games, the six-face-button module might be your perfect match. Meanwhile, for gaming that leans towards a desktop setup, particularly with Steam Input, touchpad-equipped modules provide an excellent fit.
While exact prices and further details are still under wraps, it’s too soon to declare the Ayaneo 3 a must-buy. However, its initial features already hint at flexibility and even a pinch of budget-friendliness. Opting for a Ryzen 7 8840U with a 7-inch LCD screen, instead of an OLED, might appeal to those watching their wallet—though whether this trade-off is worth making remains to be seen until pricing is disclosed. Nevertheless, in terms of unique modular input controls, the Ayaneo 3 is gearing up to stand toe-to-toe with other top-tier handhelds coming next year.