Last April, Meta revealed its plans to introduce Horizon OS, specifically built for its Quest line, to third-party VR headsets for the first time. This new wave of XR devices, set to feature Horizon OS, was expected to roll out from big names like ASUS, Lenovo, and Xbox. However, since that announcement, Meta has maintained a rather enigmatic silence regarding these headsets. Recently, though, a well-known insider, Luna, suggests that ASUS might be the first to launch their device.
Luna, who’s been consistent with leaking accurate details on upcoming VR tech, has previously shared scoops on Meta’s projects. They accurately revealed the Quest 3S’s name before its official unveiling and highlighted the headset’s new Action Button feature.
Through data mining efforts, Luna shared insights like the room-scanning setup video for the Quest 3 ahead of its 2023 launch. They also spotlighted various Quest software innovations before they were made public, such as Meta’s trials of keeping apps pinned to the Universal Menu dock.
Now, Luna, claiming information from a confidential insider, hints that ASUS’s Republic of Gamers headset could very well be among the first third-party Horizon OS headsets to hit the markets.
This upcoming device, reportedly codenamed ‘Tarius,’ is rumored to incorporate eye-tracking and face-tracking technologies, aiming to match the advanced features of the Quest Pro. It might also boast quantum dot LCD displays with local dimming, or possibly micro-OLED screens.
If these details hold — and we should remain a bit skeptical — ASUS isn’t just releasing a Quest 3S lookalike with some flashy RGB elements. Instead, they seem to be charting a path separate from Quest’s mainstream offerings, currently priced at $500 for the Quest 3 with 512GB and $300 for the Quest 3S with 128GB storage.
Although we should approach these leaks cautiously, it’s evident Meta is strategizing to respond swiftly to Google’s Android XR launch. This new Android XR system is making its debut on Samsung’s forthcoming XR headset, codenamed Project Moohan, which is slated for public release later this year.