With a breathtaking backdrop, I found myself facing off against a colossal drake that was tossing fireballs my way. Quick on my feet, I fired arrows in return, dodging the fiery onslaught with precision. Not a single one of those blazing projectiles hit me, though they did ignite the wooden scaffolding beneath my feet. As the structure began to smolder and collapse, dangerously high above the ground, I had to think fast. I jumped to a safer section, turned around, and with a flick of my wrist, summoned some magical energy. I hurled a chunk of the burning scaffolding straight into the drake, landing a decisive blow that brought it down. The rush of feeling like a total badass was suddenly interrupted when my character tripped over some debris, courtesy of quirky physics, and I tumbled off the tower. I landed with a thud, alive but worse for wear. Just another day in the world of Eternal Strands, an action-adventure RPG that, despite its occasional quirks, offers an exhilarating and ambitious escape. – Zack Zwiezen