, the independent platform for video game sales, has announced its upcoming Creator Day for November 29. According to an Engadget report, on this day all proceeds from purchases will head straight to the developers, as will waive its usual 10% commission.
What’s exciting is that this Creator Day is happening right in the heart of’s annual Autumn Sale, spanning from November 27 to December 5. The site’s vibrant community of developers has pulled together an impressive collection of over 7,400 projects for this event. You’ll find not just digital and physical games, but also gaming assets for those interested in creating their own adventures.
The concept of Creator Day was introduced by back in 2021 as a lifeline for developers facing financial challenges during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic. Spencer Hayes, who is’s director of business and content, spoke to Polygon back then, saying, “We’re supported by our awesome community every day and we wanted to set a day where we could return the favor. It’s been hard out there for a lot of folks and we figured we’d help out how we can.” already stands out for its favorable revenue sharing system, where developers keep the lion’s share compared to other platforms like Steam, the PlayStation Store, the Microsoft Store, and Apple’s App Store. With initiatives like Creator Day and various charity drives, has truly established itself as a unique player among its bigger competitors.