As you venture through the game, you’ll encounter a rich tapestry of cultures, each contributing to the vibrancy of the journey. For instance, take the Aedyrans—a nation deeply rooted in principles of rightful rule, leadership, and order. Now, imagine them trying to assimilate into the untamed expanse of Eora. You might notice subtle changes in their clothing or lifestyle choices as they begin to blend with local customs. The “Wild West” appeal of the Living Lands draws a diverse crowd, and adhering strictly to their old ways might clash with what’s necessary for survival here.
“Consider an individual who holds [the goddess] Woedica in high esteem,” says Patel. “They would prioritize law, order, justice, and the concept of rightful leadership above other values. If Abydon, the Smith, is their chosen deity, it’s not to disregard the other gods, but rather to place greater importance on industry, diligent effort, and commitment. This helps us infuse these factions and groups with defining ideals, offering players a clearer understanding of their motivations and philosophies.”
These cultural distinctions extend into the game’s architecture and costume designs, with each having a distinct synergy. “The world we’ve created feels very much alive,” shares Dennis Presnell, the Lead Environment Artist. “Our development process is incredibly iterative. As team members introduce new assets, innovative ideas, or narrative elements, we continually build upon them. It’s like standing on each other’s shoulders—creating a world that’s both diverse and unified, full of authenticity,” Presnell explains.