Ayaneo has just introduced its latest creation, the Ayaneo Pocket DMG, on IndieGogo, where it’s now available for early backers at enticing prices. This GameBoy-inspired handheld packs a punch with its Qualcomm Snapdragon G3X Gen 2 chip and an OLED display. You can grab the entry-level model, featuring 8GB of RAM and 128GB of storage, for a starting price of just $339 USD. For those seeking more power, the high-end model goes for $499 with 16GB of RAM and 512GB storage. There’s also a special “Retro Color” edition available at an Early Bird price of $589.
At these price points, the Snapdragon chip inside more than holds its own, delivering a solid high-end mobile gaming experience. It can run games like Genshin Impact smoothly at 60 FPS and even supports console emulation up to the GameCube and PlayStation 2 eras effortlessly, even when running at higher internal resolutions. However, if your focus is on playing a wider range of games without another PC handheld, you might consider Valve’s more budget-friendly Steam Deck with its LCD display.
In terms of features and price, the Ayaneo Pocket DMG offers an impressive bundle for its compact size. It includes hidden trigger buttons nestled between the shoulder buttons, optional motion controls, and a responsive touchpad. These ensure you have all the necessary input options for modern gaming, especially making streaming from your PC seamless. The hall-effect analog stick, though compact, promises durability against drift.
While a high-quality OLED screen may seem extravagant for its size, keep in mind that other premium devices, like the Analogue Pocket, also boast high-resolution displays, though it opts for a 1440p LCD. With a 3.92-inch OLED screen featuring a 1,240 x 1,080 resolution and an estimated 104% NTSC color gamut, it achieves up to 450 nits brightness. This makes the Pocket DMG a perfect companion for retro gaming, even if it doesn’t eclipse the Steam Deck OLED or more powerful handhelds for AAA games.
For emulation and Android gaming aficionados, the Ayaneo Pocket DMG presents itself as a strong contender. While models with 12GB and 16GB RAM are available, the 8GB entry-level model remains a smart choice, especially given its capacity for demanding mobile games and emulation. You can always expand storage later with an SD card.
It supports USB 3.2 Gen 2 via a Type-C port offering up to 10 Gbps speed, along with Wi-Fi 7 and Bluetooth 5.3, which are excellent for wireless experiences, like Steam Remote Play. Although its wired options aren’t groundbreaking, they suffice for smaller game transfers.
Lastly, remember that when you back a crowdfunding project, you’re essentially supporting a vision rather than buying a ready-to-ship product. It’s all about believing in the project’s potential and hoping it will materialize into the real deal.