Back in July, Attack on Titan VR: Unbreakable made its debut in Early Access on the Quest platform, offering just a single mission or ‘chapter’ and a handful of unlockable blades. This initial release served as a teaser for the more expansive content promised in the months to come. Fast forward to now, and developer UNIVRS has unveiled what they’re calling the ‘Complete Edition’, which fleshes out the game with four chapters.
When we first tried it out, the game felt more like a tech demo than a full-fledged experience. It had a solid foundation of core gameplay, but it was limited to just one chapter, plus an infinite wave mode with a scoreboard to keep you busy.
Now with the Complete Edition, players have the opportunity to dive back in and tackle chapters three and four, experience the Epilogue, and face off against an Armored Titan in a boss battle.
Another exciting addition is the newly introduced co-op mode. Now, you can enjoy all the chapters with a friend for a more engaging experience.
Accompanying the full game’s release is a teaser from UNIVRS about a ‘Thunder Spear Unlock Event’ set for January, which they describe as a “global challenge.” According to the game’s website, they’re also planning a free update in 2025.
Even though our initial hands-on earlier this year described the game as feeling “rough,” it seems to have struck a chord with its audience. At the time of writing, Attack on Titan VR: Unbreakable has earned a commendable 4.5 out of 5 user rating on the Horizon Store.
For those who picked up the Early Access version, Part 2 will be available for download at no extra cost. If you’re hopping on for the first time, you can purchase Part 1 alone for $8 or go for Part 2 at $12 (you’ll need Part 1 for this option). There’s also a bundle offering both Part 1 and Part 2 for $20. The game is compatible with Quest 2, Quest 3/S, and Quest Pro devices.