Hyper Light Breaker, the latest installment in the Hyper Light franchise following 2016’s Hyper Light Drifter, is gearing up to enter Early Access. This open-world roguelike invites players to join forces in a quest to save the procedurally generated Overgrowth from the ominous Abyss King. The team behind Hyper Light Breaker, Heart Machine, has remained closely connected with the fan base during the game’s development, and they plan to maintain this open communication after the Early Access phase begins, keeping fans updated with regular news and celebrating player journeys within the Hyper Light universe.
In a recent chat with Game Rant, Hyper Light Breaker’s key team members, lead producer Michael Clark and community/PR manager Yiyi Zhang, shared insights into why the Hyper Light community is so crucial to them. They outlined their strategy for staying engaged post-launch, their short and long-term goals during Early Access, and how they plan to commemorate the game’s release. This interview has been edited for clarity and brevity.
Heart Machine emphasizes the importance of a genuine connection with their fans and looks forward to receiving their feedback, which will be instrumental as Hyper Light Breaker enters Early Access. Yiyi Zhang pointed out how vital it is for them to maintain open communication with players as they introduce new content, including bosses, biomes, upgrades, and more throughout the Early Access phase.
Q: Heart Machine is renowned for its transparent approach with its community, involving them through feedback and regular updates. What are the perks (or downsides) of this method?
Clark: The biggest advantage is building a true bond with our fans—they aren’t just numbers, metrics, or market shares—they’re real people. The more we interact with them, the more they see us as individuals: artists, designers, creators, not just a faceless corporation. We’re people crafting games for people, and engaging with our community this way keeps that personal connection alive. However, the downside is that the more accessible you become, the higher the expectation for availability, and for a small team like ours, balancing communication and development can be challenging.
Zhang: The community has always been fundamental to our success. Our studio started with a grassroots campaign, a Kickstarter initiative run from Alx’s garage by a group of artists, and we wouldn’t be here without our fans and industry partners’ support.
Maintaining an ongoing dialogue allows us to make well-informed design decisions that resonate with our audience. Our supporters become stakeholders in our projects, witnessing the impact of their contributions to our games. As stakeholders, they’re excited to share our games within their circles, which gives us a competitive edge in the market and will be crucial for our plans following Early Access.
Q: As Hyper Light Breaker is an Early Access game, what are the team’s current plans to continue its development after launch? What are the main goals?
Clark: Post-Early Access launch on January 14th, our goals are pretty clear-cut: First, we’re focused on significantly expanding our content—we aim to double or triple the content, like player characters, gear, boss battles, and narrative systems. We also want to introduce more variety and depth to both the world and gameplay—we’re implementing changes to each playthrough, end-game difficulty mechanics, and additional progression features.
Moreover, we’ve set aside time in our schedule to incorporate fan feedback, suggestions, and improvements, which we expect and welcome. Early Access offers a unique opportunity to include fans in the development process, and we’re eager to leverage this with our incredible community.
Q: What can players anticipate in terms of communication after this Early Access launch?
Clark: Players can look forward to consistent updates of varying scales—some will be minor, while others will be more substantial, rolling out every few months.
Reflecting on Themes and Celebrating Milestones
Though Hyper Light Breaker isn’t directly a sequel or prequel to Hyper Light Drifter, it exists in the same universe. Hyper Light Drifter tackled significant themes, such as living with a potentially terminal illness, drawing from Heart Machine’s founder Alx Preston’s experiences with heart disease. While specific details remain under wraps, the Hyper Light Breaker team has indicated that similar themes will make an appearance in the new game. For launch day, the team plans to celebrate by playing the game, watching fan streams, enjoying reactions, and taking some well-earned time to unwind.
Q: Hyper Light Drifter resonated deeply with players by depicting a protagonist dealing with illness, echoing the experiences of those with chronic conditions. Does Hyper Light Breaker touch on similar themes or introduce new representations?
CLARK: I don’t believe we could remove illness as a theme from Hyper Light.
Q: What are your plans for launch day? How will the team celebrate?
CLARK: Many of us will spend the day engaged with the community, watching streams and gathering feedback, while some of us look forward to enjoying the game with our family and friends.