Incuvo’s virtual reality adaptation of the acclaimed open-world survival game, Green Hell VR (2022), is gearing up for an exciting addition this month. Players on Quest and PSVR 2 can finally dive into the eagerly awaited co-op mode that many have been anticipating.
Initially announced back in April, eager fans won’t have to wait much longer, as the co-op mode will be available starting December 16th. The good news is, if you already own the game on PSVR 2 or any of the Quest versions – the 2, 3, or 3S – you’ll get this update at no extra cost.
This new multiplayer dimension builds upon Green Hell VR’s intense solo challenges by enabling teams of up to four players to band together. Whether you’re brandishing melee weapons or opting for a ranged attack, you’ll be hunting for food and offering each other protection against the perilous wildlife lurking in the jungle. Plus, you can collaborate to construct shelters, providing much-needed safety from the elements. A neat touch they’ve added is a visual indicator for healing needs, which not only helps you identify when your friends need assistance but also lets you spot and deal with unwelcome leech guests on each other’s game avatars.
However, it’s worth noting that this update doesn’t bring cross-play compatibility, so you can’t play across different platforms like PC to VR or Quest to PSVR 2. The studio mentioned in a recent post on platform X that their focus was solely on developing this multiplayer aspect, suggesting that including cross-play would have delayed the update further. Still, it appears to be something they might revisit down the line.
Incuvo CEO Andrzej Wychowaniec expressed excitement about this release, emphasizing the importance of the co-op feature to the VR community. He acknowledged that fans on Meta Quest and PSVR 2 have been eagerly waiting for the addition and stressed the company’s commitment to deliver an immersive and satisfying co-op survival experience.
For those wondering about SteamVR, there’s no word yet on whether the co-op mode will make its way there. The PC VR version has not seen much activity since its last update at the end of 2022. Incuvo has seemingly placed their focus on expanding content like ‘Spirits of Amazonia Part I’ for Quest and PSVR2 users instead.