The possibility of a sequel to Hi-Fi Rush, launched in 2023, is being explored by Tango Gameworks, a renowned Japanese developer. In a conversation with IGN, Colin Mack, the head of the studio, mentioned that a continuation of the game is on their radar, although it’s not confirmed if they’re actively developing it just yet.
“We’re looking at the idea of a sequel in a positive light,” Mack shared with IGN. “However, we aren’t at a point where we can definitively say, ‘This is what we’re going to pursue.'”
John Johanas, the director of Hi-Fi Rush, added his thoughts: “There’s a lot of affection for Hi-Fi Rush among our team, which certainly opens up possibilities. Currently, we’re in the phase of weighing different options.”
Kazuaki Egashira, the project manager, chimed in on what sets Tango Gameworks apart, emphasizing their drive for innovation. “Hi-Fi Rush gained popularity as a fresh intellectual property, but if it remains unchanged, it risks becoming stale,” he explained.
Egashira continued, “At Tango Gameworks, our essence is tackling new challenges. My hope is to carry on working in a way that keeps developers at the heart of what we do, maintaining our enthusiasm throughout.”