In Brandon Sanderson’s captivating Mistborn series, certain individuals possess the unique ability to metabolize metal and perform magical feats. By burning pewter, they enhance their physical abilities, while burning brass enables them to soothe others’ emotions. Yet, the most formidable characters are the Mistborn, who can harness various metals to fly and even glimpse into the future.
Inspired by this rich magical universe, ‘Mistborn: The Deckbuilding Game’ offers players a chance to wield the power of a Mistborn. Players aim to create intricate combos using metals with utmost efficiency. The ultimate objective? Either complete three missions, acquiring enticing rewards along the way, or outmaneuver opponents, whittling down their health to zero.
As the game progresses, characters become increasingly powerful, gaining the ability to burn more of the eight metals each turn. These metals activate cards that help advance mission tracks, attack other players, or build stronger decks by acquiring new cards or eliminating weaker ones. Many cards provide additional benefits if you burn extra metals of the same kind, promoting strategic specialization. Alternatively, players can employ broader strategies by flaring metals, temporarily putting them on hold until reactivated in future turns. I discovered that enhancing my deck early by utilizing this strategy more could have been quite advantageous.
A standout feature of the game is its innovative damage system. In a three- or four-player setup, one individual becomes the target and is the only one susceptible to attacks. However, there’s a silver lining: the target can retaliate, dealing damage to all adversaries with each attack. When the target sustains damage, they have the choice to either pass the token to another player or retain it, making it a clever mechanism to prevent team-up attacks against the leading player. It also allows someone with an aggressive deck to strategically hold onto the mantle.
I’m excited to explore various strategies and dive into the game’s cooperative mode, where players band together to confront the tyrannical Lord Ruler, staying true to the series’ narrative. The game seems perfect for future expansions, potentially introducing more series characters and engaging story elements from beyond the first book.