COLD VR, dubbed the spiritual successor to the iconic SUPERHOT VR from 2016, is gearing up for its debut on Quest and PC VR headsets next month. Fans of PlayStation VR 2 won’t have to wait too long either, as a version for the platform is in the pipeline and expected at a later date.
SUPERHOT VR might be from the old guard, but its charm hasn’t faded with time. It introduced a groundbreaking gameplay mechanic where time slows down when you do, a feature that surprisingly few have dared to mimic. Enter Cold VR, turning this concept on its head by demanding speed rather than stillness. In this new game, as you decelerate, time and the relentless AI opponents accelerate, forcing you to think on your feet or face swift demise.
The teams at ALLWARE and Perp Games are now preparing to launch Cold VR on January 21st, 2025, for both Quest and PC VR headsets. PlayStation VR 2 enthusiasts, hang tight; your version will follow soon. The developer promises that players will encounter not only increasingly intelligent enemies but also environmental challenges including lethal lasers, shifting platforms, and a host of other surprises meant to keep you on your toes.
Carlos Alfonso from ALLWARE shared his excitement about Cold VR’s development journey. “Bringing this unique gameplay experience, where time itself is your ally and foe, to reality has been incredible. Perp Games’ support has made it possible to share this adventure with a broader audience than I ever envisioned. It’s thrilling to expand COLD VR to PSVR 2 and Quest users. The future looks incredibly bright!”
For those eager to jump in, you can add Cold VR to your wishlist today. It’s priced at $19.99 / £14.99 / €19.99 and will be available on the Horizon Store for Quest devices, Steam for PC VR headsets, and the PlayStation Store for PSVR 2.