Riot Games had to shutter its offices on January 9 due to the devastating wildfires sweeping through Los Angeles. The company has just confirmed that their workplace remains closed as the situation unfolds. According to their recent update, “Our LA headquarters, situated just a few miles from the Palisades Fire, has been off-limits since the fires erupted. The impact has been profound for many of our employees, with some sadly losing their homes and others still displaced. Our top priority is their well-being, so we’re offering temporary accommodations, emergency financial aid, and guidance to help them through this tough period.”
In addition to supporting their team, Riot Games is leveraging the popularity of their titles to rally support for relief efforts. “Come January 22, we’re rolling out in-game fundraisers in Valorant and League of Legends PC across various regions. This initiative aims to channel funds toward the Riot Games Social Impact Fund, which will then distribute resources to help with disaster recovery, both locally in Southern California and globally.”
For Valorant aficionados, the EX.O Collection’s proceeds will be directed to this fund from January 22 to 30. Meanwhile, League of Legends players have from January 23 to February 5 to contribute, with all purchases of Firefighter Tristana going toward the same cause.
Beyond these gaming efforts, Riot Games has committed to ongoing community support. “Just last week, we introduced a double-donation drive for Rioters, effectively tripling their contributions to crucial organizations like the California Fire Foundation, LA Fire Department Foundation, International Medical Corps, American Red Cross, and World Central Kitchen. We have also made direct donations to the California Fire Foundation and the International Medical Corps to bolster relief efforts.”
The company passionately highlighted that, “The healing process continues even after the flames are out. Rebuilding after such devastation is time-consuming. This crisis, striking so close to our headquarters, has further motivated us to enhance our dedication to disaster relief and prevention worldwide.”