Amazon’s upcoming animated anthology series, Secret Level, is set to debut later this month, and yes, even the Concord episode is making the cut, despite the game’s unfortunate fate.
The situation with Concord has been something of an unresolved issue since it was announced that the game performed so poorly, the studio responsible for it had to shut its doors permanently. The game itself will remain offline forever. Yet, there’s this episode dedicated to it in Secret Level. Amazon has confirmed that they will indeed air the episode, with no hesitation on their part or the creators’. In a chat with GamesRadar, series creators Tim Miller and Dave Willson explained that there was never a discussion about pulling the episode. “It never came up with us, I mean, Amazon never suggested it, and we didn’t either because why?” commented Miller when asked about the possibility of scrapping it.
“We have games featured that aren’t around anymore, like Unreal Tournament. Sure, Concord not being available is a bit different, but the bottom line is, we’ve got a compelling story and stunning animation that a lot of people put their heart into creating. I don’t see any reason why we wouldn’t share it with fans. You’ll always get people questioning, ‘What are they doing?’ Or, ‘Why would they do this?'” Miller elaborated.
He also shared that they are genuinely “proud of the episode and it looks cool.” It’s a shame that Concord isn’t accessible anymore, but that doesn’t diminish the team’s enthusiasm for showcasing this episode. “The developers were great people, putting in their all. Their efforts, alongside ours and numerous artists’, deserve to be seen,” he added.
Wilson pointed out that Secret Level’s goal was to spotlight games from various timelines – past, present, and future. Certainly, in Concord’s case, it’s very much a recent chapter, and a disappointing one at that. However, their episode might just give fans a glimpse into what could have been, even if it was a vision not widely embraced at the time.